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Monday, April 28, 2014

Dear Cyberpunks....

The comic author spoke out to the readers about his/her cautious artwork. Rat and Human had almost similar traits with two different things. The readers needed to know about the cautious artwork before began on their "human" things. What were rat trap and human trap for?

In the rat trap, two rats were excited about a cheese without realizing it on a trap. So the humans were almost similar to the rats because the humans loved to be at computer without knowing or realizing. The comic author warned the readers before began on their computers. Everyone shall be careful of themselves on their computers.

If humans were excited about the computers without realizing something wrong, the computer might get happened by bugs, virus, and cyberbullies. Other reasons were the computers making some people being obsessed with them, and others enjoyed the porn at websites. The computer had been as unique as the technologies were awesome in the whole world. The computer was such a technological strength  they had needed ever as they had lives and jobs. Everyone better would be very, very careful at their computers from cyberbullies, virus, bugs, and being obsessed at them.

This artwork had caught me as a technology lover, so I absolutely agreed with the comic author. The computer got happened by bugs and virus sometime. Some people got hurt by cyberbullies, and were obsessed at their computers sometime. I claimed this artwork that was just cautious to the readers before began on their computers got happened by virus, bugs, and cyberbullies.

If everyone might realizing how computers got happened, then they better would be careful form virus, bugs, and cyberbullies. All they needed was the technology security for their computers. I believed in the security hackers worked for the governments because they wanted to protect citizens about their computers. At least, young adults loved to be at computers as they were obsessed with social websites, video games, videos, and even porn. Homework and professional plans were very important for everyone than hobbies at computers.

The comic author wanted the readers to now about their computers got happened by something wrong. What ere rat trap and human trap for? The computers often got happened by bugs, virus, and cyberbullies. The readers better would be very, careful at their computers.


  1. I really lIke the pictures you've put up with this it shows the point really well.You are saying that that on the computer nobody really knows what thier really getting themselves into when. I got how in the last picture it shows how the person on the computer is being bullied threw the computer and even though its not directly hitting you it still hurts. Does this topic have any connection to you or is it just a topic? Do you know anyone whos been a victum or even the bully over the computer? Maybe you could add some articles of people who've been victumized. Have you seen the movie BUllY? Here's the link:

    1. The last picture is just a topic because the cyberbully likes to hurt someone who is at computer. I've known stories about victims have been bullied at the computers, however, they shall contact to the good computer hackers at government. I think it can add some articles of people who've been victimized is an unique idea. I haven't seen the movie BULLY before, but I'd like to see it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The movie Bully is on Netflx. I strongly recommend it! It definitely fits with the theme you wrote about, Ashley. I second the motion!

  4. Hi,
    I would like to start off by saying that I loved the intro. It was clear towards what your point is and what Andy Singers point was as well. Had no trouble when reading your essay, everything fit right into place. What captured my attention right away was your images you chose. The questions that comes to mind when reading your essay is; Did you believe this point to be true before seeing this image and analyzing it and writing about it? Would this even come across your mind at some point in your life, before viewing this image?Over all you essay I found it very interesting, you are a good writer. ;)

    1. Hey Isabella,

      I absolutely did believe this point to be true before seeing this image and analyzing it and writing about it. Some people love to be at their computers during the many hours. Yes, this even would come across my mind at some point in my life, before viewing this image. Cyberbullies, porn, and virus are crazy things making our computers get happened sometime. We all have to be careful with our computers as well as it's one of the technologies that we need for our lives. Thanks for your questions. :)

  5. I love your post all of it from links to images structure all of it. :)
