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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Revenge against Bullies, I've gotten bullied

I've gotten bullied in the elementary school by the horrible brats. They liked to make fun of me, throw something at me, push me, hit me, and ruin my creative artwork and toys. We were in the classrooms and outside recess as they bullied me at all the time. I was very innocent because I didn't know what I had to. Until I finally graduated on there, and I transfered to middle school in new town. Nobody could bully me during the middle school and the high school. Secretly, I've gotten bullied that was making me feeling strong as I gained revenges against my former bullies. What do I revenge against them? After graduated on high school, I met some of my former bullies in the deaf service company. They were happy to see me, but I acted like an unknown person, and wasn't interested in them. They decided to leave me alone. They wanted to befriend me at Facebook, however, I actually refused! I found out about they didn't have enough good knowledges, controlled behaviors, and many experiences while we were in the deaf service. In my dark side, I was smirking at myself because I have a good knowledge, controlled behavior, and everything as I was taught well at middle school with good grades, and high school with high school diploma! Gladly, I won't see my former bullies anymore. I'm healed by my revenges in the dark side, so I passed my revenges. Please excuse my dark side. Don't worry, I'm healthily fine now.

Revenge against Bullies, Your Revenge

Are you wondering if you want try on revenge against your bullies? Your revenge against them never claims to kill because you need to be more wise, and, actually, you're still awesome since you were got bullied. Let's learn on steps until your revenge comes against your bullies. When the bullies were or aren't around you, you don't need to see them anymore, it means like you've graduated on schools and gone to different places as colleges or new towns. If a cyberbully may hack your accounts and emails, then you'd better to report the security hacker at the government as soon as possible! In your environments, your parents, granparents, siblings, and other family members have abused or/and threaten you, then you should call the polices, social workers, and your trusted mentors right now! One very interesting step in your futures, you may be the professions, armed forces, doctors, managers, and more awesome, rich, business-like people, and then you'd like to visit over to your old schools and meet your former bullies. You can act aloofly and say wisely while you use your revenges against them until they'll get regrets about the past. But warning, you'd better to avoid from them anytime! Please be careful! Have good futures! Stay away from the kinds of bully!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Revenge against Bullies, Bully Facts

When you were an innocent child in your school and environment, or you are a normal person in your school and environment, you need to realize about how your bullies are as facts, so you're the most awesome person than them. Maybe you are curious about what is trouble with them because they have learned on how to bully others until they like to, of course, bully you. That claims like they are such so naïve! They never realize that to bully someone is a horrible idea! Another reasons, they have been abused, threaten, and taught to bully by their difficult lives because they never learn how to do rights as well as behaviors. Movies, novels, television shows, and comics are almost similar to your realistic worlds because some characters act like some of your bullies. It depends on their personalities. More facts, there are many kinds of bully in the Earth, actually, cyberbully, school bullying, college bullying, bullycide, disability bullying, gay bullying, legal bullying, military bullying, parental bullying, prison bullying, sexually bullying, institution bullying, workplace bullying, and more! Just find out about more kinds of bullying at website if you were or are gotten bullied!

Revenage against Bullies Introduce

Have you gotten bullied before? Still holding your grudges against your bullies? If so, you'd better to listen carefully what you may be warned before hurt back to them. It's not easy about you are or were bullied in your schools and environments, however, you need to move on sometime. Please learn on who you are, what your strengths are, and how you can do best. How you like to do on small revenge against your bullies? Just be careful and cunning while you may win on the game against your bullies. Good luck and keep your futures!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Goth Never Dies, What is Goth?

San Diego City College 

Goth is a member of the subculture favoring dark fashion, black and white makeup, gothic literature, tastes in music, and horror movies. Anime, animations, comics, and arts in the goth media, too. Tim Burton is the master having goth movies; Edward Scissorhands and Nightmare Before Christmas. Anne Rice's novels, The Vampire Chronicles, are such lovely stories of the gothic fictions. Goth music genres are more than punk rock, heavy metal, and techno. In the goth people's real environments, no matter where they live, go to colleges and work at their careers, what they like to do on their hobbies as musicians and artists, and how personal they are. They do have religious faiths, different cultures, and political supports and rights. Their jobs are similar to normal people whom to have jobs; doctors, teachers, psychologists, artists, musicians, and etc. Some goth people don't mind if their friends and families are normal. They respect toward their friends and families. Goth people are just humans as we are as you are.

Goth Never Dies, Stop Stereotyping!

Goth people almost never had interested in Satanism, drugs, Wicca, crimes, and more bad things to do because they just have normal lives and good hobbies. It's so sad that Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend, Robert Maltby, Anti-goth jerks better should be sent to meet their fates as prisons, so they're such so malicious in the whole world. They'll get pitiful regrets. If you're not goth, then the goth persons won't bite you or anyone else. If you may be goth, then the goth persons would like to become a friend with you. All the goth people need are friendships, families, lives, and more wonderful things. But wait, some goth people aren't friendly for a reason, just let them go without judging them. In the real environment, it depends on how nice the goth persons are or not.
were beaten up in a park of Bacup, Lancashire during the night of 2007 by Brendan Harris, 15 years old, and Ryan Herbert, 16 years old. The youths were their murderer that were discovered, then sentenced in 2008 for hate crime.

Goth Never Dies Introduction

San Diego City College 

Who believe in the goth people are Satanists, druggists, murderers, witches, warlocks, and/or evil in the real environment? WRONG. Screw stereotypical thoughts and think wisely. Learn on the goth subculture if you have to do on nice way to respect toward the goth people. Let the goth people speak out about who they are.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Goth Never Dies, I'm goth and normal

 My inner is girl-next-door while I'm goth and normal. Actually, I'm mixed in goth, punk, emo, geek, visual kei, and video gamer.

At the outside world, nobody hurts me if I'm goth, I guess I've felt like normal people see me as the mysterious stranger, but I don't care what do they see me. I believe the goth subculture that is just normal and creative, not horrible. I'm sick of what others think about the goth is horrible, so screw them.

In my real environment, I do go to college, hang-out with normal friends and a few goth/punk/emo friends, and love my family. I do like music, video games, and anime. I do wear goth outfits with boots and converse shoes. Goth jewelries are lovely for me. I'd like to become a professional illustrator and graphic designer for my future. It sounds perfectly normal!