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Monday, April 28, 2014

Dear Cyberpunks....

The comic author spoke out to the readers about his/her cautious artwork. Rat and Human had almost similar traits with two different things. The readers needed to know about the cautious artwork before began on their "human" things. What were rat trap and human trap for?

In the rat trap, two rats were excited about a cheese without realizing it on a trap. So the humans were almost similar to the rats because the humans loved to be at computer without knowing or realizing. The comic author warned the readers before began on their computers. Everyone shall be careful of themselves on their computers.

If humans were excited about the computers without realizing something wrong, the computer might get happened by bugs, virus, and cyberbullies. Other reasons were the computers making some people being obsessed with them, and others enjoyed the porn at websites. The computer had been as unique as the technologies were awesome in the whole world. The computer was such a technological strength  they had needed ever as they had lives and jobs. Everyone better would be very, very careful at their computers from cyberbullies, virus, bugs, and being obsessed at them.

This artwork had caught me as a technology lover, so I absolutely agreed with the comic author. The computer got happened by bugs and virus sometime. Some people got hurt by cyberbullies, and were obsessed at their computers sometime. I claimed this artwork that was just cautious to the readers before began on their computers got happened by virus, bugs, and cyberbullies.

If everyone might realizing how computers got happened, then they better would be careful form virus, bugs, and cyberbullies. All they needed was the technology security for their computers. I believed in the security hackers worked for the governments because they wanted to protect citizens about their computers. At least, young adults loved to be at computers as they were obsessed with social websites, video games, videos, and even porn. Homework and professional plans were very important for everyone than hobbies at computers.

The comic author wanted the readers to now about their computers got happened by something wrong. What ere rat trap and human trap for? The computers often got happened by bugs, virus, and cyberbullies. The readers better would be very, careful at their computers.

Stop the racism!

San Diego City College 

Sofie Tapia spoke out about the anti-racism toward the readers. Racism was unforgivable or unacceptable in the society. She desired to create a choice was the respect to humans because some people might bot had experiences to treat others with respect. What was happened about the racism?

Sofie resolved on the race issues because she wanted everyone to realize how they in the different groups. She claimed it that was no what color skins they were born with, living with two different color skins of their families, and what they did want or need in United States of America. She discovered an unacceptable issue that was racism since she was a middle school student. She meant racism as offensive against others for no reason. Some people thought it was okay to use on racism, but she disagreed with them as racism was just political incorrect.

Sofie came from her parents; white American mother and black African father. She love inside of her heritage. She believed in the international people have freedom living in United States of America as love, marriage, and family. She encouraged the readers to realize about the anti-racism was as personal. The readers needed to show some respect to others who having color skins and mixed backgrounds from using offensive jokes or opinions.

I agreed with Sofie Tapia about everyone shall treat to each other with respect. In United States of America, some people thought it was okay to use racism, but others didn't accept it in the society. In my society, I liked to be social around some people as they were loyal to me. Everyone might show some respect toward others having color skins without using racism.

I didn't believe in racial jokes and opinions because they sounded more offensive. I thought it was okay that a white American could fall in love with a black African, so they were lucky in some countries if they could marry and have a family. All the international people needed was love as the alliance would ignore racism at all the time. I wanted everyone to care about others personally.

Sofie Tapia desired to create a choice was the respect toward others. What was happened about the racism? The readers needed to show others who having color skins and mixed backgrounds from using racism. Racism was unforgivable or unacceptable in the society.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Show your creativity strengths

Frank X. Walker wrote a nostalgic essay titled "Creative Solutions to Life's Challenges" on the environment challenges. He gave a choice to the readers about the creative solutions were as compassion. He wanted to tell about his experiences on creative solutions. What did the creative solutions do?

As Frank grew up in his own environment, he and his siblings watched their mother doing on creative solutions as cuisines, fundraisers, fashions, and everything. He believed in the creative solutions helping the people from hard times. The creative solutions meant as the compassion came to needy, weak people. The creative solutions made some people into famous artists who found a hope. The artists claimed a hope that working a creative solution with compassion.

Frank enlightened the readers about creative solutions came to the weak people with compassion. He believed that the highest quality of life was full of art and creative expression. He gave the right to readers as they claimed of artistry. Outdoors had to become art galleries. The creativity was just the compassion was part of the creative solutions living in the life.

As an artist, I enjoyed his nostalgic information about the creative solutions. I claimed the creative solutions as the artistic-designed needs and gifts were given to the weak people. The creative solutions were cuisines, fashions, stuffed dolls, and everything. I absolutely agreed with him because if I was an artist, then I would like to give artistic gifts to weak people at outside world sometime.

After reading his nostalgic information, I felt like I wanted to help out with creative solutions It sounded like a difference because it was such the compassion. When we had done on the environment challenged, then we could bake cuisines, paint artwork on outdoor walls, and create toys into cartoon stuffed toys, and sewed the creative dresses. The creative solutions were meant as we borrowed the God's power while we used it on them into blessed gifts for the weak people.

Frank Walker gave a choice to the readers about the creative solutions were as compassion. What did the creative solutions do? He believed in the creative solutions helping the people from hard times. The creativity was just compassion that as part of the creative solutions living in the life.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Write, write, write....

San Diego City College 

The photograph author informed the readers about his/her picture as the readers shall write everyday. He/she wanted everyone to keep writing with ideas came out from their minds. To write made them earning wise experiences. Why the people had to be writing at many times?

The photograph author claimed his/her picture that was everybody didn't have to stop writing because their ideas could help them writing. Their ideas were as stories were written. To write was just a good idea for everybody, especially young adults. To write had been apart of the education in the schools and colleges as well as degrees. The readers needed to know how to write.

The photograph author wanted to encourage the readers keep writing. He/she claimed that the readers needed to know how to write. If the ideas might show up, then the readers had to write stories, essays, and homework. If not, others would go out and meet someone was better than them. When the readers finished storeis, they would have new ideas to write more on next day.

While some young adults studied on creative writing, English, and journalism, so I was one of them agreed with the photograph author. I believed in his/her artwork meant as the readers needed to write successfully. Everyone had to keep writing until earned success. I had tried my best while I kept writing on stories, essays, and homework. As a writer, I realized this picture giving a choice to the readers to write.
In the photograph author's picture, the choice was give to the readers as a helpful tip. To keep writing at often times than some readers had nothing to do. I believed in the helpful top to make them keeping write. If I thought others might not have any ideas, then I would like to make them going out and finding new ideas. And then, they better would have to write with newideas.

The photograph author informed the readers about his/her picture made them keeping write. What the people had to be writing at many times? To write made them earning wise experiences. There was a choice on this picture if the readers needed to know how to write.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Please think of your own self

San Diego City College 

Thandie Newton enlightened the audience about she had thorny experiences on being without her own self. She wanted everybody to become aware of their own selves because they used on otherness all the time. The self was just so convoluted to make a person learning who she/he was. How did Thandie figure out about the self mastery?

Thandie Newton claimed the self that every infant came toward the world as the selves were inside of them. They grew into full grown-ups that causing their selves leaving from them. They usually used on the otherness. And then, some women had suffered from emotional stresses and dysfunctional times. Thandie encouraged women studying on their own selves as well as personalities. She educated them to move on from tough time, and then, they would have better selves.

Thandie made the audience learning on the self as their selves were so complex. The self was a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action. It claimed a person's particular nature or personality, and also, the qualities that make a person individual or unique. Self was soul, mind, and personality that living without using on otherness. If someone didn't think of her/his own selves, then she/he might be obsessed on otherness until she/he would be fragile. And then, Thandie gave a choice to her/his as she/he had to move on until she/he would find their own selves.

After listening to what Thandie Newton enlightening about the self, I agreed with her as the self was just important to the humanity. I claimed the self meaning to be listened by everybody. The self seemed very helpful to us, however, we used on otherness sometime. The s elf had been forgotten easily while the humans loved to use on otherness at all time. I believed in Thandie who enlightening about the self might be belonged to use from using on otherness.

I learned how to be individual in my environment and education until I became a patient listener to my own self. I ignored otherness until I wnated to take care of my forgotten self while I was moving on. I believed in the self was belonged to soul, mind, and personality living inside of everybody. The self was such so complex to me while the otherness was easy, but honestly silly. The self was a part of philosophy, and another part of religion, and then, it feels inside of my to made me showing who I was to everybody.

Thandie Newton enlightened the self meant to be cared by the humanity. How did she figure out about the self mastery? The self claimed that a person's particular nature or personality, and also, the qualities that make a person individual or unique.The self was belonged to soul, mind, and personality living of the humanity.